
Fourteen months ago, I boycotted facebook and created this WordPress blog. At the time, I intended for the blog to be a replacement of my facebook account; a social portal using which anyone can get to know who I am and anyone can easily reach me if they want to. Much like my old facebook timeline, I wanted to feature works in three of my most prominent hobbies: Art, Programming and Writing.

Hence, the tagline of this blog is “Design, Encode, Write”.


Despite the original intention, I have learned over time that WordPress dwellers love Writing more than the other two aspects of this blog. Actually, I think people also like Art but gone are the days when I can invest hours after hours, days after days into graphic design. Don’t get me wrong, I still do Art sometimes and usually out of necessities but it gets dull quickly. I simply find writing more interesting for the time I’m willing to spend.

So yes, long story short, this blog is mostly about Writing now. I’m working on two novel projects at the same time. The main novel project is “White Destiny” and the secondary one is “Sasaki”. They receive updates at odd intervals but you can expect that they will be updated eventually and if I fail to update them in a few months, I will write a heads up update telling you guys what I have been up to and provide a deadline to challenge my gold fish-tier attention span.

Other recurring activities one can expect in this blog include an anime review at the end of every anime season, interesting snippets of my daily life, and perhaps some technical/engineering stuffs I need to document for future references.

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